‘Turandot’ brings grand opera to the Utah stage

8th Mar, 2014

Deseret News

In the world of opera, composer Giacomo Puccini’s “Turandot” is considered grand on almost every scale. Because “Turandot” requires elaborate sets and performers who can sing incredibly difficult arias, it is one of the more rare operas that are performed. The Utah Opera will bring “Turandot” to life on the Salt Lake City Capitol Theatre stage for both opera experts and newcomers to enjoy March 15-23.

“Turandot,” which is sung in Italian but set in ancient China, tells the story of a seemingly heartless young princess who learns the powers of perseverance and love in unorthodox ways. The story is complex and may initially test American audiences’ ability to relate to or empathize with it.

The international cast involved with this performance of “Turandot,” however, believes that the story is universal, and, at its core, innately human.

Maida Hundeling, the German soprano who sings the lead role of Turandot, feels strongly about the complexity of her character and audiences’ ability to relate to Turandot.

“It’s not just (about) a cruel woman,” Hundeling said. “It’s (about) a young woman like you and I who has feelings. She wants to find somebody who is looking for the real love, for the true love. This production can really in every way carry you away.”

Read the entire feature via Deseret News

Image: Kelli Nakagama